Sunday, 15 July 2012

Love......From Both Sides (A Laugh out Loud Romantic Comedy)- Nick Spalding

So, my first goes!
I was first told about this book from my friend who had recently finished it. She raved about it, said it was hilarious and made her laugh throughout! I wasn't convinced....until I read it and it lived up to the hype! The synopsis from says......
Sometimes, the hardest part of finding love is keeping a straight face…
For Jamie Newman, being a single guy isn’t proving to be much fun, especially when confronted with a sexually belligerent divorcee and a goddess so far out of his league she might as well be a different species.
Mind you, being a girl in search of love isn’t a bowl of cherries either. Just ask Laura McIntyre, who’s recently contended with a horny estate agent on a quest for light relief, and a rabid mountain bike enthusiast with a penchant for genital display.
When Jamie and Laura bump into one another (quite literally) it looks like their luck may have changed – but sometimes finding the right person is only the start of your problems… 
Based on real-life tales of dating disaster and relationship blunders, Love... From Both Sides is a warts-and-all romantic comedy for everyone who knows how tricky (and occasionally ridiculous) the quest for love can be.

The book is set out like a 'his and hers' story.....he writes his version of events on  an online blog, while her version is documented in letters that she writes to her mam. I love how you get both sides of views of the same events and it's really clever how believable the author's managed to convey and combine both versions. There are some HILARIOUS parts to this I actually mean spit-your-tea-out-your-nose funny and it's scary how many of these stories made me think 'actually, that could totally have happened to me!'. To be honest, I can't really think of anything that I didn't love about this book. Sometimes it was frustrating in a 'I can't believe you two' kind of way but that helped make me just want to keep reading about it. As soon as I'd finished it I was overjoyed to see that there's another book following on from this and I can.not.waitttttt to get it for my holiday reading! I just hope it's as funny! 

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